The Dirt on Pregnancy Weblog

1 month to go!
June 27, 2008, 4:17 pm
Filed under: 8th month | Tags: ,

My due date is now one month from tomorrow. I’m still ready but will be REALLY ready after next weekend. We’ve got one more house project to finish and I should be in a good position to leave my job for 12 weeks at the end of next week. I feel like half of the brand new mothers I hear about were 3 weeks early and the others were a few days late. Physically, I don’t think I’m ready. The baby hasn’t dropped and there was no activity in my cervix when the doctor last checked. But, I’ve been pregnant for 8 months so what’s another month? I am not to the point yet where I’m miserable and “just want this baby out of me!” In fact, I feel pretty darn good. (knocking on wood right now)  I don’t have any heartburn and my joints aren’t swollen, which usually is pretty typical around this point of my pregnancy. I still take things day by day though, so you never know what tomorrow will bring.